Saturday, November 13, 2010

New Gingerbread Android 3.0 OS Features Revealed!

Gingerbread Android 3.0 OS will be the next revolution for Smartphone. After a success achivement of 2.2 Froyo, this was a new improvement for Android users. Apple and Google are fighting each other to prove their biggest authority in the mobile industry that Android 3.0 is really a big step against the decision of contest.
Gingerbread potential feature built-in video chat and Google voice Wi-Fi coupled with redesigned icons, and cleaner, more unified interface, rebounding lists orange glow at the border. Gingerbread Android 3.0 OS has acquired several improvements over the previous Froyo 2.2.

Through this operating system you can manage your power and battery to a great extent compared to the previous version. Check out the latest features;
  • Improved and fast copy and paste feature in Gingerbread.
  • High quality Web Video playback.
  • Resolutions pixels will be higher , sources says ( 1280 by 760) for all devices.
  • Integrate with accelerometer, cameras and integrate it into browser based apps.
  • You can now add a picture to your buzz instantly from your phone and you can see the maps like what we you can view on Google earth, a rotating zoom in and zoom out.
  • Features that can synchronize faster with Microsoft exchange server.
  • Through this operating system, you can stream your music through air from your computer / PC 

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Basics of Finding the Best SLR Cameras

If you've been using a compact digital camera all your life and you're planning on getting an SLR camera, you might need a quick refresher course on the basics of SLR photography. Knowing the basics will not only help you find the best SLR cameras on the market but also teach you how to make the most out of your digital SLR camera.

Digital SLR cameras only became widely popular around 2005. Before that, SLRs were mostly only used by professionals. Because of this development, SLR camera manufacturers are now dropping the prices of their SLRs to stay competitive in the market as more and more people are getting into SLR photography. If you're also unfamiliar with how digital SLR cameras work, here's a quick primer.

SLR 101
SLR stands for Single Lens Reflex. SLR cameras are known for their almost-zero lag time and fast shutter speed, making them ideal for action and sports photography and taking spontaneous shots. SLR cameras are also versatile in terms of how you capture images because these cameras have changeable lenses.

Aside from versatility and speed, the best SLR cameras are also known to produce top-notch quality shots because of their large image sensors. If you use an SLR camera, what you see on your viewfinder or LCD screen is exactly what your lens also sees. This allows you to have better aim and focus when taking pictures. However, if you read through SLR camera reviews, you'll encounter terms and phrases like Live View and Auto-focus. The latter is pretty much self-explanatory; it's a camera feature that automatically focuses on the subject. Live View, on the other hand, is a feature that allows you to view on your LCD screen the image and range that the camera's lens is picking up.

However, what you see in the camera's Live View LCD screen or viewfinder isn't always 100% accurate. Meaning, there are still certain factors such as coverage and brightness in using the viewfinder. Coverage refers to the percentage of the image that the camera's sensor will capture once you take the photo. Most viewfinders are only able to provide a preview of 95% of what the sensor will capture.

The brightness of the viewfinder also varies from camera to camera. In this case, brightness refers to the clarity of the image that you see. A digital SLR camera with a bright viewfinder lets you see details clearly and thus make it easier to do manual focusing on your subject. If you want to know in detail how an SLR camera works and its advantages over compact digital cameras, you can browse through online tutorials, or ask your photographer friends for advice and recommendations before you get an SLR camera of your own.
Getting the perfect camera, is never an easy thing, especially with the way digital technology is constantly changing. Fortunately, there are plenty of helpful websites online, that can narrow down your search and help you find the camera with all thefeatures important to you.

Top 5 Ways You Can Increase Your Computer Speed - Simple Solutions To Complex Issues

A slow computer is often a sign that it may be low on free disk space. This is often due to music, games pictures and other types of files that PC users add over time which begin to use up the computers resources and eventually causes the computer to function more slowly. Spyware and other types of malware can also slow down the performance of ones computer. A virus infection is another common cause of slow computer performance. Computers should be be scanned regularly for these types of threats. Here are some more ideas on how to fix a slow computer.
Registry Repair
A registry repair can speed up a slow PC. Cleaning and repairing the registry involves removing unwanted shortcuts, entries and other junk files. Some registry repair programs have been known to increase computer speed by over 50%. This is a remarkable improvement in overall computer speed.
Unused Programs
Many computers have unused programs stored on them which take up valuable space on the hard drive making the computer run slow. Removing unused programs is a great way to free up memory and increase speed. Removing unused programs takes little time. This can be done using the Add or Remove Programs option on the Control Panel.
Disk Cleanup
Using the disk clean up tool is likely to give a slow PC a performance boost. During a disk clean up, temporary and unnecessary files are removed from the computer. Temporary internet files can improve network performance but they often take up large amounts of unwanted space on a computers hard drive. A disk clean up frees up space which allows the computer to operate faster. Using the disk clean up tool helps insure that no space is wasted.
File Fragmentation
Fragmentation can affect all computer files. A fragmented disk has files which are not organized and are scattered around a disk. This occurs naturally as a result of normal computer usage when we create, delete and modify files. The disk defragmenter tool was designed to solve this problem and improve computer performance.
System Restore
If all other efforts to fix your slow computer do not help, a system restore can be used to return a computer to its original factory condition.
Jacob has been a computer technician for over 10 years. If you like the information you found in this article, then please visit his website over at He provides many helpful tips especially if you have a slow running PC.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

iPhone 4 - should or should not upgrade

iPhone 3GS
iPhone 4 has just hit Malaysian market recently with all the hype from tech lover. But for iPhone, iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS owners, should you upgrade your iPhone to iPhone 4? 
That’s really a question with many things to consider, like if the price is right, how far you're into your telco contract and if you fancy the new features. But fear not, like many things in life, a little history and tech perspective will shed answers for you.

iPhone to iPhone 4

The first iPhone was introduced in 2007, and can be considered 'discontinued' now that you can't upgrade to the latest iOS (version 4) and beyond. We therefore infer that each generation of iPhone has a shelf life of 3 years, give or take. An easy answer for first generation iPhone users: upgrade!

iPhone 3G to iPhone 4

Apple released the iPhone 3G in 2008 and it's now two years old. We guess it'll have a usable life of a year more, which by then it'll probably be left out by iOS 5. In fact, upgrading the iPhone 3G to iOS 4 already excludes some of the key features iPhone 3GS users enjoy like multi-tasking. To further exaggerate the case, iOS 4 also seems to make the 3G noticeably slower - no surprise really as the iPhone 3G didn't give much of a performance boost over the original. Conclusion: Upgrade!
iPhone 3G
iPhone 3GS to iPhone 4

The more powerful iPhone 3GS came out in 2009, giving it a couple of years more of shelf-life. It's still a capable workhorse, getting the full features of iOS 4. Should you upgrade? Assuming your contract is for two years, that means you probably still have at least a year left on it, so if you break it now you could be looking at an extra penalty.

Yes, the iPhone 4 has a faster processor than the 3GS, but it should still prove capable running the newest apps without giving up the ghost.

We say there's no need to upgrade from an iPhone 3GS unless you really love the new iPhone 4, its speed gains and features (trust us, when iPhone 6 comes out two years later, it'll be even more luscious than the iPhone 4). Conclusion: Upgrade only if you have the cash to burn.

Should you upgrade to IOS 4? 

Not convinced you should buy a new iPhone every time one rolls around? Say you don't want to get a new iPhone 4 and want to keep your older model - how should you get the most bang for your buck out of it? Well, here's some advice: Depending on which set you own, you might not want to upgrade to the latest iOS 4.

iPhone 3GS 

We say upgrade! iPhone 3GS users get the perks enjoyed by iPhone 4 users with none of the speed hits seen by iPhone 3G users. You get multitasking, folders, a better email app, orientation lock and so on.

iOS 4There is one gripe though: multi-tasking seems to drain the iPhone's battery faster and the multi-tasking panel on iOS 4 makes it a hassle to kill multiple apps running at once.
Now, about the latest 4.0.1 upgrade. It was supposed to change the signal indicator bars to reflect a more accurate measurement of signal strength. But it seems to cause bugs in the iPhone's photo albums, with some thumbnails showing up as black blocks. iPhone 3GS owners have reported success at eliminating the black blocks by simply rebooting, but 3G owners don't seem so lucky.

701Verdict: 5 out of 5

iPhone 3G

The cons may outweigh the pros if you're carrying an iPhone 3G. iPhone 3G users don't get the key feature of iOS 4: multi-tasking. This is supposedly because the iPhone 3G's processing power isn't up to handling multiple apps running at the same time. Another visible exclusion is background wallpaper, iPhone 3G users can't customize their backgrounds the way other iOS 4 users can.

The biggest gripe of iPhone 3G users though is the noticeable speed hit when running iOS 4. The rumor mill is that iOS 4.1 fixes the speed problem but we'll just have to wait and see. The only real pro to upgrading an iPhone 3G to iOS 4 seems to be the inclusion of folders, so you can tidily organize your apps together.

We say if your iPhone 3G with iOS 3 is serving you well, you don't see the need for folders and you don't need to have the latest in everything iOS - then you can comfortably hold off upgrading to iOS 4 and have a snappier phone. 

Source :

Motorola Milestone XT720 Smartphone Android Review

 Motorola Milestone

Current info about Smartphone is not always the easiest thing to locate. Fortunately, this report includes the latest Smartphone info available. 

 If you don't have accurate details regarding Smartphone, then you might make a bad choice on the subject. Don't let that happen: keep reading. 

As one of the latest gadgets being launched as well as the enhanced version of Motorola Droid, Milestone XT720 is the newly smartphone, powered by 2.1 Android. With the 8 megapixel camera, you really don’t have to own an individual camera anymore! It’s all available in one gadget with this cool smartphone! There’s even the cool Xenon flash that comes with the 8 megapixel camera! 

You’ll get to take videos in 720p/24fps and with their HDMI cable, enjoy the videos you make on your HD television as well! You can even flip through your images from the TV set. With the large screen available, don’t be afraid you’ll tap on the wrong button. The touchscreen QWERTY keyboard will do you good with the 3.7 inch screen!

You get to talk up to 9 hours of battery life and 320 hours on standby mode. With the highly stated specifications of the camera and video, fret not. You can slot in an 8GB microSD card or you can even a 32GB microSD card if you really need such capacity. Go on and out to show off your new elegantly sleek designed smartphone.  

When word gets around about your command of Smartphone facts, others who need to know about Smartphone will start to actively seek you out. 

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 Awesomeness Features

Have you ever wondered if what you know about NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 is accurate? Consider the following paragraphs and compare what you know to the latest info on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580. Hopefully the information presented so far has been applicable. You might also want to consider the following: 

The new NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 chip will offer a 772MHz clock speed, 512 processing cores, and a 192.4GBps memory bandwidth, courtesy of 1.5GB of GDDR5 clocked at an effective rate of 4GHz. CyberPower is strapping this beast into its finest rigs, and for additional overkill it'll let you SLI up to three of them within one hot and steamy case.

The GeForce GTX 480 gave us more than satisfactory performance, but was a bit of a let down on the thermals, and power consumption fronts. The claim that NVIDIA made the GeForce GTX 580 to outperform the GTX 480 and have better thermals and lower power draw certainly raises some eyebrows, because NVIDIA is building the GF110 GPU on a TSMC 40 nm process, just like the existing GF100 "Fermi".

The GTX 580 is supposed to offer 20% faster performance than the GTX 480 it will replace according to DigiTimes sources at video card manufacturers. The 580 will be a GF110-based video card and is expected by the end of November or the beginning of December according to sources. NVIDIA will also reportedly have new GPU families coming out next year. 

Knowing enough about NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 to make solid, informed choices cuts down on the fear factor. If you apply what you've just learned about NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580, you should have nothing to worry about.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Cowon J3 Music Player, Taking New Audio Gadget for U

Cowon J3 Music Player

When you think about Cowon J3 Music Player, what do you think of first? Which aspects of Cowon J3 Music Player are important, which are essential, and which ones can you take or leave? You be the judge. 

It seems like new information is discovered about something every day. And the topic of Cowon J3 Music Player is no exception. Keep reading to get more fresh news about Cowon J3 Music Player. 

With a 3.3” AMOLED touch screen, TV out, Bluetooth and accelerometer, the Cowon J3 is a dream comes true for technophobes out there. The audio quality is awesome to the point of perfection and it is equipped with a video player that allows you to load your clips without any problems. There are also no lags during playback.

The touch panel is good enough that it fits its capacity and a light touch of your finger is enough to make it to what you want. It is a cinch whizzing from one application to another. A step up from previous models is the fact that the user interface is more streamlined. 

The day will come when you can use something you read about here to have a beneficial impact. Then you'll be glad you took the time to learn more about Cowon J3 Music Player.

The Xbox Kinect Game List Compatible Games

Are you looking for some inside information on xbox 360 kinect, microsoft? Here's an up-to-date report from Xbox 360 Kinect, Microsoft experts who should know. If you find yourself confused by what you've read to this point, don't despair. Everything should be crystal clear by the time you finish. 

Are you searching for all the Kinect compatible games? If so, then you came to the right place as here I will reveal you the current full Kinect game list for your Xbox 360. Currently the new device by Microsoft is one of the best companion for Xbox 360. It was officially revealed on the latest E3 gaming conference where the presentation of it was a huge success. You may see now all the news going around talking only about this device and the new upcoming games for it. First lets take a look at the new features all Xbox and Kinect owners will get and then we can see which are the best first Kinect games you can get...

The Xbox Kinect device is an motion tracking camera which you place near you TV and plug in into your Xbox 360, remember it works with all versions. For better mounting there are already some Mad Catz accessories! The main task of this motion camera is to track player movements and later on synchronize in game. In this way you will get one of the most realistic ways of playing as you will not need any controller, you will play only with your whole body! Lets take a look at this Xbox Kinect game list, here are the first and best Xbox Kinect compatible games:

Kinect Sports - An sports game by Microsoft. One of the must have, including different sports like Basketball, Football, Tennis, Boxing, Bowling and many others!

Kinect Adventures! - Take this journey into jungle and defeat different obstacles. Evade, jump with your family to finish the goal of the game!

Kinect Joy Ride - The first racing game being announced for Kinect by Microsoft. Drift through corners, perform tricks inbig air jumps, compete with your friends and much much more!

Kinectimals - One of the favourite game for children. Pick your favourite animal and play it with your whole body.

Dance Central - If you are fan of dancing games, Dance Central is for you definitely. Coming with many choreography's to follow along the game in solo mode or even two players mode. One of the best tracks from RNB, Hip Hip, Dance genre.

Zumba Fitness - Are you ready for Zumba? Follow along with fitness exercises and dancing with your whole body controller free!

EA Sports Active 2.0 - One of the best fitness games for Wii now coming in Kinect version too. Grab this sequel and start working on your body in your living room. 70+ exercises, personal trainer, nutrition tips and recipes, heart rate monitor, online hub for sharing data and much much more!

Child of Eden - Take this trip into underwater and discover all this beautiful animals!
Metal Gear Solid Rising - Now an action based game for Kinect also. Enjoy this game without controller!

Forza Kinect - The most realistic racing game with different sports car to choose and competitions to get involved in. 

I hope that reading the above information was both enjoyable and educational for you. Your learning process should be ongoing--the more you understand about any subject, the more you will be able to share with others. And much much more games revealed every day!

Find out all other compatible Kinect games on the official Kinect Game List website.

Microsoft Xbox Kinect - Compatibility and Games Review

The Xbox Kinect allows a revolutionary wire-free game-play experience. Designed to compete with the Sony PlayStation Move and Nintendo's established Wii games console, we take a look at the origins of the Kinect system and review compatibility with older Xbox 360 consoles. We also review the best new games and look at the Kinect launch titles.

Origins of Microsoft's Kinect
Kinect was announced by Microsoft at the E3 technology show on 1 June 2009. At the presentation three demos were shown to showcase the system, these being Ricochet, Paint Party and Milo & Kate. A demo-only version of Burnout Paradise was also shown at he show.
Project Natal formally became Kinect at the 2010 E3 show where the redesigned Xbox 360 was also announced. This new version of the console has the additional Aux port to combine the USB data and power supplies required by the Kinect.

Kinect Compatibility
Microsoft has confirmed that the Kinect system will be fully compatible with all versions of the Xbox 360 console sold since its original release. It would appear that the new motion control system will considerably extend the product life of the Xbox 360 system. Combined with the recent refresh of the product line, the console should not see a replacement until around 2015.

Xbox Kinect Games
Although existing games were adapted during the development process (including Beautiful Katamari and Space Invaders Extreme), it is understood that to modify current games for use with the Kinect system via a downloadable patch would take to much work. New titles will be released in time for the Kinect launch in order to take advantage of the new system.
In addition to game control, Kinect allows users to control the Xbox 360 Dashboard using both voice commands and hand gestures with voice and facial recognition potentially being used to automatically identify users whilst Video Kinect permits voice or video chat with via Windows Live Messenger or with other Xbox 360 users. Other uses for the Kinect control system include interaction with ESPN and Zune using Xbox Live.

Kinect Launch Titles
So far fifteen launch games have been announced by Microsoft. These are Sonic Free Riders from Sega, Kinect Adventures, Kinectimals, Kinect Joy Ride and Kinect Sports from Microsoft Game Studios, Dance Central by MTV Games, Your Shape: Fitness Evolved and Motion Sports from Ubisoft, EA Sports Active 2 from EA, Dance Masters and Adrenalin Misfits from Konami, Zumba Fitness from Majesco, Deca Sports Freedom from Hudson, The Biggest Loser: Ultimate Workout from THQ and Game Party: In Motion from entertainment giant Warner Bros.
In addition to the already announced games, other developers including Activision Blizzard, Bethesda Softworks, Capcom, Disney Interactive, Namco Bandai, Square Enix and THQ Inc.
Likely to be one of the hottest gaming peripherals ever released, get a free Xbox Kinect from for carrying out just three simple steps. Check out their site for all the details. If you haven't even got an Xbox yet, get a Free Xbox 360 Elite and you'll have the complete package with which to impress your friends.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Pro Tools 9 Launches Nov. 12

Avid has announced Pro Tools 9, a major upgrade that makes the audio mixing platform compatible with third-party interfaces for the first time.
"Pro Tools customers - from the aspiring enthusiast to the professional - can now create sophisticated, great sounding mixes, whether they're at home, on the road, or working in a large facility using an open, flexible workflow for enhanced collaboration and creativity," the company said in a press release.
The latest software update lets users work with Pro Tools in any audio interface supported by Core Audio and ASIO drivers (in the past, Pro Tools required an Avid-branded device). The upgrade also makes it easier for users to collaborate with others, as it includes OMF/AAF/MXF interchange and MP3 export, a built-in Time Code Ruler, an updated 7.1 surround panner and new variable stereo pan depths.
New EUCON support lets Pro Tools users control the mixer through Avid consoles like the Artist Series or Pro Series (formerly known as Euphonix consoles).
Pro Tool 9 also comes with features that allow users to make more mixes, faster. The kit contains more audio tracks and busses.
Pro Tools 9 will be available worldwide on November 12 starting at $599 in the United States. For more information, visit Avid's Web site

Source :,2817,2372235,00.asp

Sony Ericsson W995 Black - An Elegant and Beautiful Mobile Phone

When there is a mention of elegant and beautiful mobile phones, the Sony Ericsson W995 Black comes first in the list of the elegant and sophisticated handsets from the brand Sony Ericsson. It is a wonderful and useful slide mobile phone which is available in black casing. The Sony Ericsson W995 Black comes with various kinds of useful and fantastic features which are as follows;

Walk man music player
This handset has a wonderful walk man music player. It provides superb sounds to the listeners. Not only this, this music player has clear stereo and clear bass. So, it is needless to say that you will get great quality of musical experience.

Fm radio
It also has an inbuilt Fm radio. Making use of this radio, you can listen to various radio stations and stay updated with the latest entertainment news and music events.
Hundred and eighteen megabytes of internal memory Sony W995 Black has an internal memory of 118 MB, which is quite enough. However, if you want to expand its memory capacity of the mobile phone, you can expand it up to 8 GB by making use of expandable memory card slot.

Battery Backup and talk time:
It has a very good battery backup and good length of talk time. It can give you 370 hours of standby time and 9 hours of GSM talk time.

USB connectivity, Bluetooth connectivity, Wi-Fi connectivity and many more:
The Sony W995 Black has USB connectivity, Bluetooth connectivity and many more connectivity options like them, so that you can connect your mobile phone with other compatible devices.

An integrated 8 mega pixel camera:
The Ericsson W995 Black has an integrated 8 mega pixel camera with a number of supportive features so that you can have superb quality of pictures and videos. This handset obviates the need of a special camera to capture the beautiful moments of your life.
But these are not the only feature that you can enjoy in this handset. Sony Ericsson W995 Black has many more fantastic features to offer you to meet all your communication and recreational needs.

Nokia 5530 Deals are the popular Mobile Phones and these phone contracts are available on Online Mobile Phone Shop UK.
Faith Hill is Search Engine Marketing Consultant for Cheap Mobile Phone Contract UK.

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