Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Advantages Of Having A Smart Phone

Most people today own a cell phone. These are devices that many use to keep in touch. They are not that expensive anymore meaning that more people can afford to own at least one at home. While many have cell phones, there are a number of people turning to using smart phones. While these devices are a bit more expensive than your typical cell phones, they offer a number of advantages.

First of all, these phones come with a data plan. This means that you are able to use the phone with the internet. What is nice about this is that in any place that you have coverage, you can be surfing the internet and checking emails. With all the information available on the internet, this is an amazing resource that you can keep in your pocket.

With a smart phone you can cut down on the number of devices that you carry with you at any point in time. You can use it as your MP3 player, video player, and PDA all at the same time. This makes it easier to manage instead of carrying around a phone and other devices.

Normally these phones have a full QWERTY keyboard. These are much easier to type on than the standard T9 keyboards found on most phones.

They have applications that let you do a number of things. You can keep in touch with social networking, play games, and keep yourself organized. Some are entertaining and some save you quite a bit of time in keeping your life and appointments organized like you need.

The newer versions of smart phones now double as a camera and video recording device. What is nice about these is that you do not have to go to a computer to upload the data in order to share it with others. You can make video or pictures and share them directly from the phone to the internet.
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Top Android Smartphones

Motorola Droid X
Motorola Droid X

The phone follows tightly in the path of other competitors with a 4.3' touch screen, 8 megapixel camera that records 720p HD video, and hotspot selection that enables 3G network with Wi-Fi. The Droid X’s storeroom capacity is the most pleasing element. It arrives with 8GB internal storage and microSD card with up to 40GB of entire space with larger cards.

HTC Evo 4G

The phone that states a speed of ten times 3G operations is absolutely overwhelming of next generation network’s ability. Although it is weightier on music and video streamers, and other bandwidth draining, it will certainly value the additional inhaling space. You can change it into a hotspot with a total of eight phones to distribute the worship. Not to mention it comes with 4.3' LCD and 8 megapixel camera that capture 720p HD record. 

HTC Incredible
HTC Droid Incredible

With Snapdragon processor, 3.7" screen, and 8-megapixel camera, most evaluations have summed it as the fastest Android smartphone at present and perhaps the smoothest, with its slim structure and curvy back panel. HTC’s Sense UI places an enhancement on the shiny Android user interface.

Microsoft New Xbox 360 Console with Kinect, Control Without Controller.

250 GB slim model and new-style controller

The Xbox 360 is the second video game console produced by Microsoft, and the successor to the Xbox. The Xbox 360 competes withSony's PlayStation 3 and Nintendo's Wii as part of the seventh generation of video game consoles. Some major features of the Xbox 360 are its integrated Xbox Live service that allows players to compete online, download arcade games, game demos, trailers, TV shows, music and movies and its Windows Media Center multimedia capabilities. The Xbox 360 also offers region specific access to third-party media streaming services such as Netflix and ESPN in the USA or Sky Player in the UK.

Latest, Microsoft already announced their new Xbox model, Xbox 360 Console with Kinect came with new features and new excitement. Kinect is a hybrid video camera and motion sensor that sits just above or below your television display. It looks like an extra wide webcam and connects to the Xbox 360 — even older models — through the USB port. Kinect calibrated itself by testing the ambient light in my room, the background noise and users own voice. Kinect then asked users to get used to performing their moves in a fairly large rectangular space about 8 feet in front of the television.

Credit :

Kinect brings games and entertainment to life in extraordinary new ways without using a controller. Imagine controlling movies, games and music with the wave of a hand or the sound of your voice. 

Source : wikipedia,

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What Are The Features Of Nintendo Wii Console

When you Buy a Nintendo Console, you’ll definitely forget the life of being a couch potato at home. Basically, this gadget is designed with the consumers in mind. It comes with many great features and games that will allow you to get off of the sofa and move. It helps you get in shape, as you desired, at the comfort and privacy of your own house. 

The world of gaming has changed radically with the existence of this device. It’s recommended for the entire family since it provides social gaming experience through its easy-to-use and interactive remote and Nunchuck. Therefore, if you wanted to have fun with your family and friends, don’t think twice anymore. Just bring them at home and experience total entertainment with your console.

The product’s controller is one thing that it takes pride of. It doesn’t require both hands to get it working. Just like a TV remote, it can be used with just a single hand only. Moreover, it offers an easy-to-use interface to make things simple for those who are not technically inclined. It’s also naturally made smaller than the rest of its kind; therefore, it can be placed anywhere you want at home.

In addition, this product is capable of accessing Netflix instant streaming. Ideally, that enables you to view thousands of movies, television shows, cartoons, and other forms of entertainment. Of course, it also provides tons of games that you’ll surely love to play in no time. It’s even preloaded with Wi-Fi connectivity, letting you connect to several gaming services, WiiWare and Virtual Console, and the Internet, too.

The standard dimension of this unit is 6 x 1.75 x 8.5 inches, and a weight of 3.84 pounds. Its supported image format is JPEG. It’s also preloaded with other entertaining features such as audio playback and photo viewer. 512 MB is the total size of its built-in internal memory, plus that can be expanded with an SD card. Navigating through this device is most likely the same as browsing a TV channel menu; it also uses channel’s system.

Paying for this product will also entitle you to have that Wii with Wii Sports Resort that comes with it. Such program offers various games from baseball, to bowling, tennis, golf, and boxing. It’s a good source of motivation for you to workout even when you’re just inside your home. Plus it allows you to do more by providing you with a lot of challenging activities. It enables you to have fun while you get more physically fit everyday. This product also features Wii Motion Plus accessory as your personal trainer.
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5 things to do on designing a website

Website Launch Check
In designing a website, the most important part is the launching, the moment your website comes live. With much eagerness to see it live, sometimes you tend to forget or ignore little details that should be checked before launching the website. Let’s go through 5 important things to check on your website before you launch it. 

1.    Titles
As website depends on SEO, it is important to ensure that you use correct title and include title on your website. Title you use is an important element for SEO as it will bring visitors to your website. With the title, visitors will know what is on the page and find what they are searching for on your website. 

2.    Cross-Browser Checks
Your website design may look good and perfect on your screen, but you will never know how it will appear on your visitors screen. Thus, you need to cross-browser check it as your visitors might use different browsers from you. It is important that your website to at least work across browsers and does not show any problems when visitors view it.Website Check Photo

3.    Proofread
Your design is finished and your content is completed. While you have to check your design on cross-browser, you will need to proofread your content as well. And, you have to read everything again and again until you are satisfied. Make sure you have a correct amount of text, paragraphs, headings and simple things such as spellings and punctuations.

4.    Links
Of course on your website you might have included some links for your visitors’ reference and it is always the safest bet if you check all links on your website. Some links might be broken or you use wrong link with the wrong text. Other thing to check with links is to make sure that your visitors know they are links. You can use different color for links or bold words that contained links.

5.    Install Analytics
Before enabling your website to go on live, you should install it with analytics tool. Although it has nothing to do with your design and content, analytics tool is important to measure your website performance and how successful your conversion rates are and you can improve your website from it. You can track daily unique hits, monthly page views and browser statistics. You can get it from Google Analytics, Clicky, StatCounter and many more for free.Website Check Image

Follow some steps or to-do-list like 5 things to check above before you launch your website as it helps to minimize problems and errors you may encounter once your website is live. So, make sure you check on tips mentioned above first and only by that you can decide whether your website is ready to go live or not. 

Have a Cool Facebook Profile

Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with your friends and family, your classmates, co-workers, and your people on your campus. But there are people that look over your Facebook profile and that might affect employment, your criminal record, etc.
  1. Go easy on the apps. Facebook is a site to keep in touch with your friends, not to fool around with Farmville all day. They may be tempting and addicting, but don't add too many, because they will be just a nuisance when it comes to notifications.
  2. Watch your status - try not to put everything you do in there. If there is something you want your friends to hear or something cool happened, put it there. For example, Braves won 7-2 sounds better than I am taking a nap. Also, don't cram your news feed with app junk, unless it is something cool you would like to show all your friends. Try to keep your interests to more hobbies or stuff you want to talk about with other, not random things to get tags. 
  1. Don't overdo your interests - having 20 million bands on your music interests list shows that you have too much time on your hands. Just narrow it down to your all time favorite bands or whatever, or a certain genres. It is Favorite whatever, not everything you like.
  2. Don't overdo the quotes - if you have something your friends said or you said that was witty, put it down, but if you have too many, you may be seen as a gossip.
  3. Be honest on your political views - keep it blank unless you are a confirmed member of a church or whatever or if you are registered to a certain political party.
  4. Never give out your full birthday - this could be used for identify theft.
  5. Be honest on your relationship status - Do not say if you are In A Relationship unless you have a boyfriend/girlfriend and don't say you are married unless you have a certified marriage license. It's Complicated should not be used for crushes.
  6. Be careful on contact information and privacy - people you don't desire could find you.
  7. Do not post kegger or weed pictures - that is a dumb idea and that might affect employment and your criminal record. The best pictures are a picture with your best friend or alone doing a hobby of your choice.

 Shared under a Creative Commons license.

Make Yourself Famous on YouTube

There are obviously a lot of people who would like to famous and be on television. Ever heard of YouTube? It's an entertainment site where people post videos for others to watch. And YOU can be famous there. Anyone can! So if you want to, read on.
  1. Brainstorm what your videos are going to be. Often check the most viewed videos and most subscribed list, and keep a look out for new YouTubers on the latter list. Looking at the top subscribed list will give you a good perspective on who your audience is and what kind of videos people like.
  2. What would you be entertained by? If you don't make something that you would enjoy watching, what makes you think anyone will want to watch it?
  3. Make a few videos. This includes getting a video camera, recording, editing, and uploading. You need a few good videos already on your profile, and you'll see why later on in this article. So make something to watch, maybe about ten videos over the course of a while, maybe a month, so you actually get your own show going. It is not going to be well-known, but this is the first step. If you choose an alternative, go to the next step.
  4. Animation. Animation is quite useful (if you don't want to expose yourself to the whole world) but requires some software: Pivot Stickfigure Animator, Hypercam (records what's on your screen) and Windows Movie Maker (to add sounds, cause Pivot can't). Or if you have a Mac, iMovie HD is a great program to use.
  5. Make your money video. Make one more video, a good one, or a mediocre one. In it, and you'll see why, say things like, "I know this is unlike my OTHER videos." or "You guys have been asking about_____." or even "Hey guys its me again thanks for your great comments." Now, how is this different from your other videos? You're still going to get maybe 7 views if you're lucky, right? No, read on. Remember, one of the best websites to promote your videos is
  6. Post this video as a video response. Find someone who is ALREADY famous on YouTube or even someone who seems like they are going to become known. You can certainly find videos with a lot of views and not too many video responses. Now, by posting this video as a response to a famous person's video, or to a famous video, more people will watch your video (a surprisingly large amount, maybe 1/5 of the people watching the original video). People will notice how you mentioned your other videos, and your "fans" and such, and they will pay a visit to your page. "Hey! A lot of videos! Cool! Hey they are not too bad! I will subscribe! Yeah!" There you go. Just sit and watch; subscribers will get higher and higher within weeks.
  7. Keep them entertained. Make more videos. Do it. Post more responses, make more originals. Be sure to make your page look good.
  8. Log in everyday. If you rarely log in, people will not visit your channel as frequently.
  9. In Videos, try to put some interesting tags.
  10. Tell Your Friendsby posting on facebook and twitter. People that follow or are your friend can tell friends!
  11. Market yourself. Spread the word by posting videos of your talent. Do not use wikiHow for this though.

  • Make sure the video is about something worth watching. Don't think you're going to get famous from some nonsense you filmed yourself doing. You're only going to make a fool of yourself to the whole world, and sometimes you only get one chance to give yourself fame. Thus, you will be lucky if you mess up, then get a second chance afterward. So think carefully about what you're doing...
  • YouTube from now on allows at maximum fifteen minutes per video. But this doesn't mean you video has to be ten minutes long. If your video is longer than fifteen minutes in length, count the duration via minutes and divide that by fifteen and that's how many videos you'll be posting on YouTube. For example, you can post a four hour movie on YouTube. If you do, divide 240 (minutes) by 15, you will have to post sixteen videos on YouTube to fit your four hour video.
  • Please note that you MUST have a profile before sending any videos to this website. If you don't have one, just get one. It's quick and easy...and it's free! What have you got to lose?
  • In the middle of every video, YouTube takes a snapshot and uses that picture as a preview. It's called a video thumbnail. Now, you should TRY and make your thumbnail look entertaining. I'm not saying that you should put a picture of a hot girl in the middle of your video, but look your best throughout, and make sure you look interesting the whole way through. It's sad how people judge a video by its preview. But hey, you have to accommodate.
  • Be original and put good effort into your videos. You're not going to get famous by putting up a video of you kicking your buddy in the groin, or making up the video as you go along. Be creative and make it look like you put some effort into what you're doing.
  • A parody is a good idea as a first video. Parodies tend to get lots of views.
  • Don't hate or block others. Few YouTubers will like you if you do.
  • If you want friends go to VERY famous channels like NigaHiga, Smosh, Fred, ShaneDawsonTV or EdwardCurrend and say that you would accept all friend requests. This is a good methods to get friends and subscribers.
  • Make videos you find funny, people will not think you are funny if you don't think you are funny!
  • You may wish to be a YouTube partner once you're popular enough. This will put your videos higher on the related videos when somebody is watching a video.

Things You'll Need

  • A camcorder (HD is recommended)
  • A computer
  • A video editing program
  • A High-Speed Internet Connection (Optional but highly recommended)
  • A Video to upload
  • A YouTube profile
  • A Person or yourself
  • Lighting of some sort
  • A sense of humour
  • Confidence

Articles shared under a Creative Commons license.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Canon S95 : Canon PowerShot S95, Compact & Amazing

Canon PowerShot S95 review : The fall lineup of Japanese camera maker Canon is very advanced and the Canon PowerShot S95 is the best example of this. This device has amazing advanced controls and its image quality is similar to the Canon PowerShot G12. Canon has introduced four primary upgrades to the S95—720p HD video, RAW shooting, HDR (High Dynamic Range Shooting mode) and Hybrid Image Stabilization. The design or imaging system of the device is the same but it is expected that the next year's version of the Canon PowerShot S95 will come with a new design.

The Canon PowerShot S95 looks like any other compact point-and-shoot camera. It comes equipped with several camera controls and the most important controls is located smack dab in the middle of the device. It has 3.8x optical zoom and tiny rechargeable lithium ion battery pack. The display is 421,000-pixel. The S95's popup flash also makes the device compact.
Handling the Canon PowerShot S95 is quite easy due to the presence of the rear Control Dial. The camera also boasts of a Self-Timer feature, which could be set up to 30 seconds with a range of up to 10 consecutive shots. The PowerShot S95 also uses Canon's latest Hybrid Image Stabilization technique. Besides, standard scene modes, the S95 was upgraded with Canon's latest Super Vivid, Poster, HDR, and Nostalgia modes. The Lens Ring allows the users to control the focal length. It enables the users to shift the focal length in increments between 28mm (full wide angle) to 105mm (full telephoto). The Lens Ring controls the aperture also. To conclude, we can say that this camera is fairly good for advance photography.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

What Is The Difference Between 5.1, 6.1 And 7.1 Sound Systems?

For a novice in the world of home audio systems, designations like 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1 can be ambiguous and confusing. What does this mean, and how does it relate to the audio system that I want? Understanding these things is actually very simple once someone explains the basics, and makes a big difference when choosing the kind of home audio or home theater system you actually want to buy. This article aims to explain the differences to 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1 audio systems and the important points each consumer should consider before deciding to invest in one of the other.

While buying a new home theater audio system can be a very confusing prospect for many people, it need not be so. Home theater audio is actually quite easy to understand once you've understood a few basic principles, which this article will concisely and informatively introduce you to. Once you have these ideas firmly in mind, you'll know what to look for whether you're paging through a random catalog you got in the mail, surfing around for deals and reviews online, or passing through a local electronics store or home audio theater equipment retailer.

Let's start at the beginning. All three of these numbers refers to a surround sound speaker system. Broken down, it simply means that the system includes five smaller "satellite" speakers that are placed strategically throughout the theater area or room (the 5), and also a subwoofer to provide bass effect (the 1.) Of the three, this is the first type of surround technology developed, with the other two simply representing upgrades to the original system that have occurred over time.
In a 5.1 speaker system the five speakers are positioned in the following configuration: front left, front right, center, surround (side) left, surround (side) right. This provides the encompassing "surround" effect that pipes the music to the listener from all sides, adding realism and giving the system its name.

A 6.1 sound system is, for all intents and purpose, identical to a 5.1, with the addition of a single satellite. This satellite is positioned "surround (rear) center" to provide rear surround sound effect and an enhanced dimension of realism to the sound quality.

For an even more realistic surround sound experience, there's 7.1 sound systems. 7.1 systems, as I'm sure you've guessed at this point, are the same as 5.1 and 6.1 except that they include two rear surround sound satellites, that are positioned to the rear left and right of the audience.

Which is Best?
In general, 5.1 speaker systems will more than suffice for most casual movie-watchers; they provide good sound and a good surround effect. 6.1 provides the rear element of surround more cheaply than a 7.1 system, however everyone agrees that as far as the best sound quality goes 7.1 is overall superior to both. An added benefit of 7.1 over 6.1 is that is allows speakers to be placed on either side of listeners even if the seating area, ie a couch, is placed up against a wall.

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