Saturday, October 23, 2010

More Evidence That Verizon iPhone and White iPhone 4 Are Coming Soon

white iphone 4 1

More Evidence That Verizon iPhone and White iPhone 4 Are On The Way: Clues relating to the release of a Verizon iPhone and white iPhone 4 are increasing slowly but surely. As of now the news is that two renowned contact management leaders - Ryla Teleservices and Teleperformance - have started heavy recruitment processes.

They are said to reportedly hunting for a large number of new customer support representatives for one of their unspecified wireless carrier clients. And the client is speculated to be Verizon Wireless with Apple Inc.

The selection procedures have begin in several US states including Texas, Georgia, California, Ohio, Utah and South Carolina. Factually, both - the iPhone creator and the Wireless network provider- Verizon have utilized the services of Teleperformance sometime in the past. Its expected the Lindon, Utah cell would even take care of computers, MP3 players and smartphones as well.

Though the staffing itself does not openly hints as meant for Apple or Verizon only, but their timing (immediate requirement of technical staff) does signal the need of employees for the twosome only. Fresno Bee described Ryla’s hiring requirements in Clovis, California as for a ,” Fortune 50 cellular/telecommunications company that expects to increase its marketing and sales.”

For Teleperformance’s recruitment, the Augusta Chronicle identified that the positions need to be filled in by “end of November” at any cost. This plainly suggest that the preparations have started to build upon an intensive month long (approx.)training session for the telecom customer service reps to start working independently by January – by when the Verizon iPhone must arrive.

In order to cater to the popularity that the not-in-existence-right-now Verizon iPhone has gained over, such massive customer care arrangements are obvious. Moreover, a minimum stock of 3-4 million CDMA iPhones for a period of 3 months is also certainly considered necessary.

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