Thursday, October 21, 2010

Netflix Is Down! Panic Ensues.

Netflix is reporting problems with its movie-rental service. It is a stroke of unfortunate timing for Netflix, whose stock price soared 13% today after a strong third-quarter earnings report.
People are freaking out, apparently. Google Trends says online searches for “Netflix login” and related terms have soared to “volcanic” levels.
“We’re aware of the issues that are occurring and are working diligently to get everything up and running again,” Netflix said on its Twitter account. “Thanks for your patience!”
In another unfortunately timed technical glitch, Deal Journal last week reported a brief outage that experienced after news reports the company was being circled by potential suitors.
UPDATE: Deal Journal colleague Nick Wingfield writes that a Netflix spokeswoman “declined to provide an explanation for the outage, except to say that it was caused by an internal technical problem, not a hacker attack on the site.”
Wingfield says Netflix customers cannot access the company’s Web-video streaming service, nor can they place new orders for DVDs by mail.

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