Thursday, October 21, 2010

Today’s smart devices eliminate need for big home computers

No matter what generation you call your own, gadgets are all the rage. But for baby boomers specifically, certain products on today’s market deliver convenience, entertainment and even safety to your door. Check out three of the latest tech products available and determine which one might make sense for you.

WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU: If you’re looking for user-friendly, mobile-based computing, the iPad will not disappoint. Consider it a one-stop shop for all your needs: e-mailing family and friends, surfing the Net, photo viewing and TV or movie watching, just to name a few. The iPad also offers book-reading capabilities, making this a great choice for readers looking to upgrade to a touchscreen computer and reading device. The iPad provides all the functionality of a laptop, without the bulk, so it’s easy to travel with. 
BOOMER BONUS: Large buttons and screen make this a perfect gadget for slightly less nimble fingers and eyes.
BOTTOM LINE: IPads are available everywhere, from big-box stores to Apple stores. Prices currently range between $560 and $910, depending on internal memory, 3G or Wi-Fi capability.

WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU: If you’re an avid reader toying with the idea of upgrading to an e-reader, the Amazon Kindle just might be for you. Falling prices are increasing adoption across all generations, making this comfortable-to-hold gadget highly accepted by even the most avid paper book fans. A battery that lasts about two days while turned on makes this device perfect for long car or plane rides. Plus, it can store the equivalent of dozens of books at once.
BOOMER BONUS: Renowned for its eye-easy e-ink technology in lieu of a back light, the Kindle also offers a vocabulary function that allows readers to look up definitions of unknown words.
BOTTOM LINE: For now, Kindle can only be purchased at, however, there are similar products available by Sony and Barnes & Noble that can be purchased in retail stores. Cost for the latest-generation Kindle, with global capability and 3G plus Wi-Fi is $189. Kindle e-books are typically $9.99 or less.
WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU: If you log lots of miles to the kids’ and grandkids’ houses or the open road, a Garmin navigation system is for you. Folks with a knack for self-navigation even enjoy the features of the Garmin, which allow users to have confidence traveling in uncharted territories, find lodging, restrooms or food and even map out the most efficient route taking construction and traffic into consideration. Available in a variety of screen sizes and prices, navigation systems also provide security on the road for traveling boomers and those waiting for them at their destination.
BOOMER BONUS: Wide-screen models and features such as “Where am I?,” which allows users to direct emergency personnel to a location similar to OnStar, provide peace of mind. “Where did I park?” is also available on some models.
BOTTOM LINE: Ranging in price from $120 to $450, Garmin products run the gambit of features, capabilities and screen sizes. Review what each model has to offer and find retailers at

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