Monday, October 25, 2010

Design a Website in 8 Simple Steps

Color Scheme
You’re opening an online business and want to create a website that draws people in. However, with the competition out there, you want to make sure that your website can give people the ultimate impression of what your business is about without being over the top. Well, here are 8 simple steps to creating and designing a website.

1. Select a color scheme and stick to it
What is the color of your company logo? If you already have an identifying color in your logo, use it to optimal effect in your website. Of course, remember that just because your logo is red does not mean that everything is red from the background to the wordings. Keep it simple and understated. Choose a maximum of three colors and stick to it.

2. Use templates
You can also use pre-existing templates that have ready made website designs that you can choose from. There are so many websites online that specialize in exactly this and if you need help, you can just contact them for their expertise.

3. Provide a simple navigation system
A website that is overly cluttered with information will turn visitors off. Ensure that navigation is kept simple so that people can easily find what they are looking for. It is a good idea to have a navigation bar at the top and bottom of the page.

4. Do not go over the top with effects
Special effects are fun to look at but too much of a good thing can end up in disaster for your website. Too many effects will detract your visitors’ attention from what really matters – your business. Plus, effects take a longer time to load than just simple words. Those who can’t wait will just leave your website.

Website Color5. Backgrounds
When choosing a background color, make sure that it suits the color of the text in your website. Also, if you are running a business, it is probably a good idea to steer away from cartoon characters or other funny pictures as part of your background. Keep it simple. Test to see if your words are clearly visible on the background. You also need to check that your links can be seen before and after being visited.

6. External Links
You could also put in a control whereby external links are automatically opened in a new window or tab. That way, your visitors will not be taken away from your website.

7. Site Map and Search Feature
Putting a Search Feature will ensure that your visitors will easily be able to find the information that they want through your website. This is especially important if you have many pages in your website.

8. Content
Lastly but definitely the most important of all is the content on your website. You can have flash effects and other types of cool stuff to put in, but if the content and information aren’t professional, people might not think that your website is worth visiting.

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