Monday, October 25, 2010

iPad versus iPhone 4

iPhone and iPad
So, this year we saw a great hit on gadget where Apple came out with what can be considered “a craze” for gadget lovers, which are the iPad and iPhone. Yes, the function is slightly different where iPad is considered as Internet table while iPhone, well, a smartphone. Both are indeed cool gadgets to own but between an iPad and iPhone, which one is worth a bargain?

Reading eBooks

The iPad makes for a great eBook reader, though it can be a tad heavy for long usage. The iPhone 4’s Retina Display is really easy on the eyes, but the smaller screen makes formatting for books look a little odd. So if you’re just going to be getting a device for eBook reading, then we say, go with the iPad.

iPhone 4Gaming

With both iDevices sharing the same processor, the Apple A4, you’ll find that playing games on both devices is a fun filled affair with quick loading times and hardly any lag. That said, the bigger screen of the iPad makes for easiergaming and the better battery life means you can play games with no worries.

Internet, Surfing, Videos and Productivity

Again, the iPad makes more sense, especially if you have a 3G version. The bigger screen also helps with Productivity apps, and you’ll be able to type better on the bigger iPad. On the other hand, watching videos on bot devices seems pretty decent despite the smaller screen of the iPhone 4.

Phone Calling and Photography

If there’s something the iPad can’t do, it’s making phone call and taking pictures. So it’s basically a no contest for the iPhone 4.

iPadWhich “i” device should you get?

If you’re ready holding on to an iPhone 3Gs and don’t really see a need to upgrade to the iPhone 4, then you may need as well get an iPad to complement your phone. If you’re using an iPhone 3G however, perhaps it’s best to use the cash for the iPhone 4. If you aren’t using any “i” device at the moment and are looking to upgrade your phone, then go with the iPhone 4. If not, the iPad should get you comfortably settled and exploring Apple’s walled App garden. 

Courtesy from Hardwarezone Malaysia


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