Tuesday, November 2, 2010

5 things to do on designing a website

Website Launch Check
In designing a website, the most important part is the launching, the moment your website comes live. With much eagerness to see it live, sometimes you tend to forget or ignore little details that should be checked before launching the website. Let’s go through 5 important things to check on your website before you launch it. 

1.    Titles
As website depends on SEO, it is important to ensure that you use correct title and include title on your website. Title you use is an important element for SEO as it will bring visitors to your website. With the title, visitors will know what is on the page and find what they are searching for on your website. 

2.    Cross-Browser Checks
Your website design may look good and perfect on your screen, but you will never know how it will appear on your visitors screen. Thus, you need to cross-browser check it as your visitors might use different browsers from you. It is important that your website to at least work across browsers and does not show any problems when visitors view it.Website Check Photo

3.    Proofread
Your design is finished and your content is completed. While you have to check your design on cross-browser, you will need to proofread your content as well. And, you have to read everything again and again until you are satisfied. Make sure you have a correct amount of text, paragraphs, headings and simple things such as spellings and punctuations.

4.    Links
Of course on your website you might have included some links for your visitors’ reference and it is always the safest bet if you check all links on your website. Some links might be broken or you use wrong link with the wrong text. Other thing to check with links is to make sure that your visitors know they are links. You can use different color for links or bold words that contained links.

5.    Install Analytics
Before enabling your website to go on live, you should install it with analytics tool. Although it has nothing to do with your design and content, analytics tool is important to measure your website performance and how successful your conversion rates are and you can improve your website from it. You can track daily unique hits, monthly page views and browser statistics. You can get it from Google Analytics, Clicky, StatCounter and many more for free.Website Check Image

Follow some steps or to-do-list like 5 things to check above before you launch your website as it helps to minimize problems and errors you may encounter once your website is live. So, make sure you check on tips mentioned above first and only by that you can decide whether your website is ready to go live or not. 

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