Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Have a Cool Facebook Profile

Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with your friends and family, your classmates, co-workers, and your people on your campus. But there are people that look over your Facebook profile and that might affect employment, your criminal record, etc.
  1. Go easy on the apps. Facebook is a site to keep in touch with your friends, not to fool around with Farmville all day. They may be tempting and addicting, but don't add too many, because they will be just a nuisance when it comes to notifications.
  2. Watch your status - try not to put everything you do in there. If there is something you want your friends to hear or something cool happened, put it there. For example, Braves won 7-2 sounds better than I am taking a nap. Also, don't cram your news feed with app junk, unless it is something cool you would like to show all your friends. Try to keep your interests to more hobbies or stuff you want to talk about with other, not random things to get tags. 
  1. Don't overdo your interests - having 20 million bands on your music interests list shows that you have too much time on your hands. Just narrow it down to your all time favorite bands or whatever, or a certain genres. It is Favorite whatever, not everything you like.
  2. Don't overdo the quotes - if you have something your friends said or you said that was witty, put it down, but if you have too many, you may be seen as a gossip.
  3. Be honest on your political views - keep it blank unless you are a confirmed member of a church or whatever or if you are registered to a certain political party.
  4. Never give out your full birthday - this could be used for identify theft.
  5. Be honest on your relationship status - Do not say if you are In A Relationship unless you have a boyfriend/girlfriend and don't say you are married unless you have a certified marriage license. It's Complicated should not be used for crushes.
  6. Be careful on contact information and privacy - people you don't desire could find you.
  7. Do not post kegger or weed pictures - that is a dumb idea and that might affect employment and your criminal record. The best pictures are a picture with your best friend or alone doing a hobby of your choice.

 Shared under a Creative Commons license.

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